MPL ID S13 Week 8 - REBELLION ESPORTS vs BIGETRON ALPHA12 May 2024MPL Arena | Jakarta, IndonesiaMOBILE LEGENDS: BANG BANG PROFESSIONAL LEAGUE is the largest and most prestigious mobile games competition in Southeast Asia. Driven by the determination to elevate the esports ecosystem, in this fourth season, MPL is making the leap by constructing the first franchised-model esports league in Southeast Asia. Ensuring the sustainability of the overall community, this franchise model will implement the revenue sharing, salary cap, and other special benefits to the participating teams. 1. Kuota promo terbatas. The promotion quota is limited.
2. Promo dapat dipakai untuk 1x transaksi/pengguna/periode. Promotion can be used for 1x transaction/user/period.
3. Promo berlaku untuk pembayaran tiket dengan Aplikasi GoPay, baik melalui scan QRIS atau pembayaran melalui aplikasi GoPay. Promo applies to ticket payments using the GoPay application, either via QRIS scan or payment via the GoPay application.
4. Setiap email/user hanya bisa melakukan 1x transaksi dengan maksimum pembelian 2 tiket per transaksi, selama periode Pre-Sale. Each email/user can only make 1 transaction with a maximum purchase of 2 tickets per transaction, during the Pre-Sale period.
5. Promo ini tidak dapat digabungkan dengan promo lainnya. This promotion cannot be combined with other promotions.
6. Cashback akan diterima pengguna maksimal dalam 2x24 jam setelah pembayaran berhasil. Users will receive cashback within a maximum of 2x24 hours after successful payment.
7. GoPay berhak mengubah syarat dan ketentuan dan/atau menghentikan promosi tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya. GoPay reserves the right to change the terms and conditions and/or stop the promotion without prior notice.
8. GoPay berhak menahan dan/atau membatalkan promo dan/atau membatasi layanan, baik untuk sementara maupun secara permanen, kepada pengguna sewaktu-waktu termasuk jika ditemukan tindakan penyalahgunaan (abuse), kecurangan (fraud) dan/atau aktivitas mencurigakan lainnya pada akun pengguna. GoPay has the right to withhold and/or cancel promos and/or limit services, either temporarily or permanently, to users at any time, including if abuse, fraud and/or other suspicious activity is found on the user's account.
9. Dengan menggunakan promo ini, pengguna dianggap telah mengerti dan menyetujui seluruh syarat dan ketentuan yang berlaku. By using this promo, users are deemed to have understood and agreed to all applicable terms and conditions Spread the words |